Sports First Aid Refill Kit - Extra Large
Sports First Aid Refill Kit - Extra Large
Sports Kit Refill - Extra Large Sports Kit Refill
As a coach or manager, it is an essential to include an appropriately sized first aid kit with the sports equipment and gear held for your players for both game day and practice sessions. Our sports kits are designed for the sideline. The refill is to designed to restock your Small First Aid Kit at the start or through the season. The contents will enable you to provide first aid to your players if an unfortunate injury event occurs in play.
This refill is for the extra large sports first aid kit ideal for coaches and managers to provide a sideline first aid response when providing first aid for multiple teams, for tournaments, and as a venue or clubhouse kit.
The Extra Large Sports Kit Refill Contents
1 x Hep Warning Label
2 x Triangle Bandage (2 Safety Pins)
1 x Crepe Bandage 50mm
2 x Crepe Bandage 75mm
1 x Cohesive Bandage 25mm
1 x Paper Tape
1 x Clear Easy Tear Tape
1 x Scissors Red handle
1 x First Aid Tips
1 x Clean Up Bag Contamination
10 x Safety Pins
1 x First Aid Economy Tweezer
1 x Sharp Point Tweezer
1 x Plastic Teweezer
2 x Non Adherent Dressings
2 x Non Adherent Dressings
2 x Combine Dressing
2 x Combine Dressing
2 x Eye Pad Single
5 x Gauze Swabs 2's Sterile non woven
10 x Antiseptic wipes
1 x CPR Face shield
2 x Examination Gloves in Printed bag
2 x Silver Rescue Blankets
1 x Fabric Pack 6 Knuckle 6 Finger Tip
1 x Fabric Standard Pack 25
6 x Loose Plasters Finger Extenstion Fabric
4 x Wound closure strip 5's
2 x Instant Ice Packs
4 x Ampule Saline
2 x Island Dresssing Small
2 x Island Dressing Medium
2 x Island Dressing Large
1 x 5 Card Splinter Probes
1 x Antispetic Spray
1 x Cold Spray
2 x Sports Tape Economy 25mm
2 x Sports Tape Economy 38mm
Note - Specification and/or sizes of product may vary if not available at time of packaging. No image of this product is available.
Product features
Product features
Materials and care
Materials and care
Merchandising tips
Merchandising tips