Reusable, Water Resistant, Mouldable Splint 90cm x 11cm

Availability : In Stock.
This versatile reusable, water resistant, moldable splint is designed to be shaped into a channel (U-Shape) to support and immobilise suspected fractured limbs. It is secured in place using tape or bandages above and below the injured area.
  • Lightweight, compact design
  • Water resistant and reusable
  • Mouldable and can be cut to size
  • Becomes rigid when used correctly

If you are a tradesperson, hunter, sportsperson, coach, handy person, play contact sports, work alone, travel on the road or are into adventure sports, we recommend you include this mouldable splint as an essential item in your first aid kit

NB: Not suitable for suspected neck or spine injuries

Note - Specification and/or sizes of product may vary if not available at time of packaging.